Software Licensing Model

We have Software products for various industries and verticals which are sold to on the Software Licensing Model. This is the one time cost payable by clients. Optionally support is charged for the software which is generally on yearly basis after the first year. Support includes re-installing the software, re-configuration software, install updates/patches, taking backup’s, etc.

Open Source Model

We Install, Configure, Maintain and Manage any Open Source Software. Clients are charged for any Enhancements, Modifications, Maintainence and Support of the Open Source Software.

Outsourcing Model

We provide Human Resource(s) for Management of IT Infrastructure and Software for Software Purchased from any Third Party Vendor or Open Source. Clients are charged per Resource hour or Annually based on number of Resources required.

Hybrid Model

We manage our Software purchased under the Software Licensing Model. We charge an Annual fee for Managing the Software.

Software as a Service (SaaS) Model

We provide our Clients access to our Software hosted on the Cloud. We charge based on number of users using the Software. We host and maintain the Software on our Servers and our Clients pay only for the Modules they use.